Hello! My name is Shannon Reinhart. I am a Graphic Designer, Writer, and Freelance Spanish Translator living and working in Maryland with my husband, eleven month old daughter Violet, three furchildren, and houseplants (160 and counting)!
I graduated in 2015 after earning my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree with a Concentration in Graphic Design and a Minor in Spanish. After graduation, I worked as a Graphic Designer in Higher Education and Insurance before finding my way to the fulfilling Health and Wellness industry. I now work at Arch Amenities Group, where I enjoy providing marketing collateral and design services to spas, fitness centers, and residential properties nationwide.
I graduated in 2015 after earning my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree with a Concentration in Graphic Design and a Minor in Spanish. After graduation, I worked as a Graphic Designer in Higher Education and Insurance before finding my way to the fulfilling Health and Wellness industry. I now work at Arch Amenities Group, where I enjoy providing marketing collateral and design services to spas, fitness centers, and residential properties nationwide.
My spare time is devoted to the non-profit organization City Youth Matrix, where I serve as Webmaster, Graphic Designer, and volunteer.

As a self-motivated individual, I have grown considerably since earning my degree and have become a multifaceted designer. My aspirations have led to me to learn CMS, CSS, and HTML, create custom-coded Email Templates, and edit videos in post-production to create unique marketing pieces. I am wholly dedicated to utilizing this range of skills to help businesses achieve both their short- and long-term goals, and to distinctly communicate who they are to their intended audience.
In addition to being an avid houseplant collector and tea enthusiast, I enjoy building my traditional skills of painting, embroidery, photography, writing, and illustration. You can also find me putting my Spanish Minor to good use writing Spanish Translations for a local printing company.
As a self-proclaimed Passport Stamp Collector, I am always looking forward to new adventures abroad. My most recent adventure took me to Oslo, Norway and Reykjavík, Iceland! I look forward to planning my next itinerary.
As a self-proclaimed Passport Stamp Collector, I am always looking forward to new adventures abroad. My most recent adventure took me to Oslo, Norway and Reykjavík, Iceland! I look forward to planning my next itinerary.